Terms & Conditions

We ask that students arrive promptly in order for classes to start on time.

Please could students ensure they wear their VAPA uniform each week with suitable trousers and footwear for dancing.

VAPA or any of our staff are not responsible for any loss or injury during the class.

VAPA reserve the right to remove from our programme, anyone who is found to be bullying, misbehaving or displaying disruptive behaviour.

You must declare all medical conditions during registration and keep us up to date should this change.

You must declare if you do not want your child to be photographed for marketing use, and keep us up to date should this change.

Your booking is not confirmed until payment has been received. Paid for spaces will be given priority. 

You must refrain from brining your child to class if they have had any form of illness within 48 hours of the class.

We don’t issue refunds for missed sessions due to your own circumstances.

Please give as much notice of absence as possible.

If there are any sessions missed due to typical bad weather, VAPA will offer a make-up session. 

COVID-19 HEALTH DECLARATION: Children, parents, carers or visitors must NOT attend classes if they, or a member of their household are displaying any symptoms of Coronavirus.

By attending VAPA, you agree that:

I/My child/children:

  1. Will not attend a session if I/they have travelled to or returned from any overseas location in the last 14 days.
  2. To the best of my knowledge, I/they have not been in direct contact with any person(s) known to have the Covid-19 virus in the last 14 days.
  3. Am/is fit and well and are not displaying any symptoms consistent with Covid-19.
  4. Shall highlight to a member of the VAPA team should there be any change to the above, before, during or after any session. 

SAFETY MEASURES: You must adhere to the infection control and safety measures that have been put into place. These include respecting social distancing rules, not sharing props, using hand sanitiser and following all guidelines set out by VAPA and the venue.

TEST AND TRACE: If asked to, we will be required to share your contact details in the event of an NHS test and trace request. We will work in partnership with the NHS to support public health and safety.

UPDATES: We are following government guidelines closely and will amend our procedures in line with any updates. 

ONLINE SESSIONS: Should the government guidelines not allow us to continue with our sessions due to COVID 19, all classes will be made up online using a live zoom link.